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Nepal flagNepal - 6 trips

Exciting Nepal Treks & Expeditions Reviews & Ratings

How well reviewed is Exciting Nepal Treks & Expeditions?
Exciting Nepal Treks & Expeditions has a 100% rating from 584 reviewers on independent review sites.
Guided Peaks
5 / 5584
5 / 5543
5 / 537
5 / 54

Summary of Exciting Nepal Treks & Expeditions reviews

Common themes in positive feedback

Many reviews highlight the exceptional professionalism and expertise of the guides. Customers frequently praise their deep knowledge of the trekking routes and their emphasis on safety, which is especially crucial for activities like mountaineering. The personalized service and attention to detail offered by the company are also appreciated, with clients noting how staff go above and beyond to ensure a memorable experience. The warmth and friendliness of the team, creating a family-like atmosphere, is another recurring theme that leaves a lasting impression on trekkers.

Common themes in negative feedback

Negative feedback is relatively rare, but some customers mention occasional logistical hiccups, such as delays or miscommunications regarding itineraries. A few reviews also point to dissatisfaction with accommodation arrangements or meals during the trek, suggesting room for improvement in these areas. However, these instances seem to be exceptions rather than the norm.

Specific aspects of service that stand out

The company is noted for its strong commitment to sustainable and responsible tourism. Many reviews cite their efforts to minimize environmental impact and support local communities. Their expertise in mountaineering is particularly emphasized, with clients appreciating the high-quality equipment and training provided. This focus on safety and preparation is critical, given the challenging nature of high-altitude expeditions.

Overall sentiment

The overall sentiment towards Exciting Nepal Treks & Expeditions is overwhelmingly positive, particularly in the context of mountaineering. The company's reputation for delivering safe, enriching, and well-organized treks is well established. Customers consistently express high satisfaction with their experiences, underscoring the company's reliability and passion for sharing the beauty of Nepal's landscapes with adventurers.

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Trips offered by Exciting Nepal Treks & Expeditions

Exciting Nepal Treks & Expeditions has 6 trips. Ranging from $2,050 to $4,500.

Chulu east image

Chulu east

🧗 Difficulty: Not very hard
🏔️ Height: 6,584m
📍 Where:
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Lobuche east image

Lobuche east

🧗 Difficulty: Not very hard - Fairly hard
🏔️ Height: 6,119m
📍 Where:
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Mera peak image

Mera peak

🧗 Difficulty: Not very hard
🏔️ Height: 6,476m
📍 Where:
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Pisang peak image

Pisang peak

🧗 Difficulty: Not very hard - Fairly hard
🏔️ Height: 6,091m
📍 Where:
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Pokalde image


🧗 Difficulty: Easy
🏔️ Height: 5,806m
📍 Where:
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Singu Chuli image

Singu Chuli

🧗 Difficulty: Hard
🏔️ Height: 6,501m
📍 Where:
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