Pisang peak

Height: 6,091 m
Duration: 17 days
Pisang Peak is an exhilarating climb in the Annapurna region of Nepal that offers a unique and challenging mountaineering experience. Standing tall at 6,091 meters, the peak provides stunning panoramic views of the Himalayan mountain range. What makes this climb unique is its diverse terrain which includes steep rocky ridges, narrow gullies, and snowfields. The climb requires a combination of technical mountaineering skills and physical endurance, making it a thrilling adventure for experienced climbers. The peak also provides an opportunity to experience the rich culture of the Nepalese people and their warm hospitality, making it an unforgettable adventure. If you are an adventure seeker looking for a challenging climb in a breathtaking landscape, Pisang Peak is definitely worth adding to your bucket list.


  • 5,331 m gain over 17 days
  • Starting and ending in Besishahar
  • approach: drive, walk in

Walk in

  • +3,570 m over a 110 km approach
  • 5 - 7 days in
  • 2 - 3 days out


  • +1,400 m over 2 days.
  • 1 high camp. Most climbers do not use high camps for this climb.


  • PD: Not very hard (alpine grade 2)
  • AD: Fairly hard (alpine grade 3)

When to go

  • April and May
  • October


  • 3 permits are needed
  • costing around $152 total

Guide mandatory?

  • no

Guide links

Amigo Treks & Expeditionmore info $2,832
Himalayan Scenery Trekmore info $2,500
Mountain Rock Treksmore info $2,590
Peregrine Treksmore info $2,480
Trekking Team Groupmore info $3,200
Mountain Ram Adventuresmore info $3,000
The climbing itinerary for Pisang Peak involves a base camp at 4,380 meters, a high camp at 5,400 meters, and the summit at 6,091 meters. This challenging ascent requires technical skills and offers experienced climbers stunning vistas of the surrounding Himalayan peaks.

Pisang Peak Base Camp

The starting point of the climb, located at an altitude of 4,380 meters. It serves as a preparation and acclimatization site before the ascent.
4,380 m

High Camp

A campsite situated at an elevation of 5,400 meters, providing a strategic location for the final push towards the summit.
5,400 m

Pisang Peak Summit

The culmination of the climb, reaching an elevation of 6,091 meters. From the summit, climbers are treated to breathtaking views of the Annapurna and Manaslu ranges.
6,091 m

Pisang peak weather

How is the weather on Pisang peak, and when is the best time to go.

The best time to climb Pisang peak is during the autumn months of September to November, when the weather is generally dry and stable. The spring months of March to May are also a good time to climb, with warmer temperatures but more chance of precipitation.

The best time to climb Pisang peak is in these months:

  • Apr
  • May
  • Oct

Beware of heavy snow in winter.

Pisang peak Services

Gear rental, porters, guides, transport, internet, accommodation

Pisang Peak climbing services include accommodation, food, guides, porters, medical, gear, transport, communications, ATMs and shops.


Tea houses or guest houses are available in the villages along the trekking route. Camping is also an option.


Food is available in the tea houses and guest houses, with a variety of options like dal bhat, noodles, soups, and snacks. Some places also offer international cuisine.


Experienced guides are available for hire, and typically cost around $25-30 per day. They can help with navigation, provide local knowledge, and assist in case of emergency.


Porters are available for hire, and typically cost around $15-20 per day. They can carry your gear and lighten your load while trekking.

Medical facilities

Basic medical facilities like clinics and pharmacies are available in some villages along the route, but it's recommended to bring your own basic first aid kit.

Gear rental

You can rent or buy gear in Kathmandu or in the nearby city of Pokhara. The gear you'll need includes a sleeping bag, down jacket, trekking poles, crampons, ice axe, harness, helmet, and more.


To get to the start of the trek, you can take a bus or jeep from Kathmandu to Besisahar, then switch to a local jeep or bus to Chame. Private transportation can also be arranged.

Internet / Phone

Connectivity is limited along the route, with intermittent phone signal and wifi available in some tea houses. It's recommended to bring a satellite phone or a personal wifi device for reliable communication.


There are no ATMs on the route, so it's recommended to bring enough cash for the entire trek.


There are shops selling basic supplies like snacks, toiletries, and trekking gear in some of the villages along the route.

Pisang peak permits

What permits are needed for climbing Pisang peak

Permits are required for climbing Pisang peak. Here are the necessary permits and their costs:

1. Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP)

  • $24 (~3,000 in the local currency)
  • A permit to enter and trek through the Annapurna Conservation Area
  • Can be obtained in Kathmandu or Pokhara, or at the entry checkpoint

2. Trekkers' Information Management System (TIMS)

  • $8 (~1,000 in the local currency)
  • A permit to provide information about trekkers and their routes for safety purposes
  • Can be obtained in Kathmandu or Pokhara, or at the entry checkpoint

3. Pisang Peak Climbing Permit

  • $120 (~15,000 in the local currency)
  • A permit to climb Pisang Peak
  • Can be obtained through a registered trekking agency in Kathmandu or Pokhara

Pisang peak access - getting there

How to get to Pisang peak

  • Public Bus: This is the most common and budget-friendly option for getting to the start of the Pisang peak climb. Buses run regularly from Kathmandu to Besishahar, where you can catch a jeep to Chame, the starting point of the trek.
  • Private Jeep: If you prefer a more comfortable and quicker ride, you can hire a private jeep from Kathmandu to Chame. This option is more expensive than taking the public bus.
  • Domestic Flight: If you want to skip the long and bumpy road journey altogether, you can take a domestic flight from Kathmandu to Pokhara and then to Jomsom. From Jomsom, you can either trek to Chame or hire a jeep to take you there.
  • Hired Car: Another option is to hire a car from Kathmandu to Besishahar and then take a jeep to Chame. This is a more expensive option, but you have more flexibility and can stop along the way if you want to.
What you can see from the summit of Pisang peak

Pisang peak questions

What to know about climbing Pisang peak

Common questions people have about this trek, if yours isn’t here - add it to get an answer.

These treks are similar in length, difficulty, and elevation. Offering a similar level of challenge as the Pisang peak trek and provide beautiful landscapes, cultural experiences, and a sense of adventure.

Chulu east
 6,584 m
Lobuche east
 PD - AD
 6,119 m