
Height: 5,947 m
Duration: 5 days
Alpamayo's near-perfect pyramid shape and intricate ice routes make it a standout among the peaks of the Peruvian Andes. The climb offers a challenging yet rewarding experience, set against a backdrop of stunning glacial landscapes.


  • 3,047 m gain over 5 days
  • Starting and ending in Cashapampa
  • approach: walk in

Walk in

  • +1,450 m over a 20 km approach
  • 2 days in
  • 1 days out


  • +1,597 m over 2 - 3 days.
  • 2 high camps. Base camp and high camp are typically used, and sometimes an intermediate camp for those less acclimatised.


  • AD: Fairly hard (alpine grade 3)
  • D: Hard (alpine grade 4)

When to go

  • May to August
Walk in from Cashapampa to base camp, camping along the way (two days up, one down). It's a big walk up to high camp, which is shared with Quitaraju.

Base Camp

Located in the Arhuaycocha Valley, Base Camp serves as the main staging area for the ascent. It is the starting point for acclimatization and preparation.
4,350 m

High Camp

High Camp is situated on the glacier and serves as the final staging area before the summit push. Climbers navigate through snow and ice to reach this camp.
5,300 m


The summit of Alpamayo, reached by climbing the steep and technical southwest face. This section involves advanced ice climbing techniques.
5,947 m

Walk in from Cashapampa to base camp (camping along the way). From base camp you climb up to high camp (same as for Quitaraju).

Alpamayo weather

How is the weather on Alpamayo, and when is the best time to go.

The weather in the Cordillera Blanca, where Alpamayo is located, varies significantly throughout the year. The best months for climbing are typically May through August, which are the dry season months with the most stable weather conditions.

The best time to climb Alpamayo is in these months:

  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug

Decent weather in these months, but expect cloudy weather once or twice a week given the proximity to the Amazon.

Alpamayo Services

Gear rental, porters, guides, transport, internet, accommodation


Camping on the walk in is possible anywhere. Then with 2-3 camps on the climb.


Plenty of guides ply this route.


Mules are available in the town but will go up to base camp only. If you want porters for high camp, arrange them in Cashapampa or even in Huaraz before leaving.

Alpamayo access - getting there

How to get to Alpamayo

Drive to Cashapampa, or take local transport changing at Caraz.
What you can see from the summit of Alpamayo

Alpamayo questions

What to know about climbing Alpamayo

Common questions people have about this trek, if yours isn’t here - add it to get an answer.

Alpamayo Links

useful websites, Groups and communities

Groups / links with more info on the Alpamayo route.

These treks are similar in length, difficulty, and elevation. Offering a similar level of challenge as the Alpamayo trek and provide beautiful landscapes, cultural experiences, and a sense of adventure.

 AD - D
 6,025 m