
Height: 6,025 m

Artesonraju is a climber’s dream with its steep, pyramid-shaped face and challenging ice routes. Topping out on this peak gives you unrivaled views of the Cordillera Blanca and the satisfaction of conquering one of Peru's most stunning mountains. It is a technically demanding climb, often compared to peaks like Alpamayo in terms of difficulty. It requires solid ice climbing skills and experience with steep, exposed routes. While not as frequently climbed as Huascarán or Alpamayo, it attracts seasoned mountaineers looking for a serious challenge in the Cordillera Blanca.


  • AD: Fairly hard (alpine grade 3)
  • D: Hard (alpine grade 4)

When to go

  • June to August

Profiled guides

Grupo Alpamayo Tours logoGrupo Alpamayo Toursmore info from $3,000
The climb of Artesonraju involves starting from Base Camp at ~4,350 meters, ascending to Moraine Camp (Camp 1) at 4,900-5,100 meters, and then making the final push to the 6,025-meter summit.

Base Camp

The starting point for the climb, located at 4,350 meters. It serves as the primary staging area before ascending the mountain.
4,350 m

Moraine Camp - Camp 1

Moraine Camp / High Camp, at 5,100 meters, is the final camp before the summit push.
5,100 m


The summit of Artesonraju stands at 6,025 meters, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding Cordillera Blanca.
6,025 m

Artesonraju weather

How is the weather on Artesonraju, and when is the best time to go.

The most favorable period for climbing is during the Andean winter, which spans from June to September (with July/August being the best). During this time, the weather is generally drier and more stable, making it the preferred season for mountaineers.

The best time to climb Artesonraju is in these months:

  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug

Some climbers do attempt Artesonraju outside of the June to August window, but it's less common due to less stable weather conditions, including higher risks of snowfall and storms. Among the typical months, July is often considered the most stable and favorable for climbing.

What you can see from the summit of Artesonraju

These treks are similar in length, difficulty, and elevation. Offering a similar level of challenge as the Artesonraju trek and provide beautiful landscapes, cultural experiences, and a sense of adventure.

Huascaran Sur
 PD - AD
 6,768 m
 AD - D
 6,368 m
 AD - D
 5,947 m