
Height: 6,752 m

Llullaillaco is a challenging and remote climb, standing at 6,739 meters on the Chile-Argentina border. The ascent is non-technical but demanding due to the high altitude and harsh conditions. The mountain is best known for its archaeological significance, as Incan mummies were discovered near the summit. The climb typically involves a long approach through the Atacama Desert, and while the route itself is straightforward, the altitude can be unforgiving, requiring careful acclimatization. The views from the summit are expansive, offering a stark, desolate beauty that's characteristic of the Andean highlands.


  • F: Easy (alpine grade 1)

When to go

  • February to September


  • 0 permits are needed
  • costing around $0 total

The Chilean side has a basic refuge, but as the drive-able track goes higher this is unlikely necessary.

Llullaillaco permits

What permits are needed for climbing Llullaillaco

When climbing from Chile a border zone permit from DIFROL is needed, but nobody will check this.

Llullaillaco access - getting there

How to get to Llullaillaco

Easier to get to from Chile, from Argentina it's a long drive from Salta.
What you can see from the summit of Llullaillaco

Llullaillaco Links

useful websites, Groups and communities

Groups / links with more info on the Llullaillaco route.