
Also known as: Qhuru Puna / Golden mountain

Height: 6,425 m

Coropuna is a massive volcanic complex in southern Peru, notable for being the highest volcano in the country at 6,377 meters. It's relatively isolated, situated in the Arequipa region, and consists of several summits, with the northern one being the highest. The climb isn't technically demanding compared to other high Andean peaks, but it requires good acclimatization due to the altitude. The typical approach involves a high-altitude camp from where you can attempt the summit and return. The landscape is stark and the area is often windswept, with weather that can shift rapidly, so preparation is key. The remote nature of Coropuna offers a quieter climbing experience, ideal if you’re looking to avoid the more crowded routes found on peaks like Huascarán.


  • F: Easy (alpine grade 1)

When to go

  • June to August

Profiled guides

Grupo Alpamayo Tours logoGrupo Alpamayo Toursmore info from $1,950
The Coropuna climbing itinerary involves progressing from Base Camp at 4800 meters to Camp 1 and High Camp before reaching the summit at 6425 meters. This route is designed for acclimatization and tactical rests, with the final push from High Camp to the summit typically starting pre-dawn to utilize the most stable weather conditions.

Base Camp

More or less at the end of the dirt road. The track splits in two and you can camp at the end of either fork.
4,800 m

High Camp

High Camp is positioned to support the final summit attempt, located strategically to allow climbers to start their summit push during the early morning hours to capitalize on stable weather conditions.
5,500 m


The summit of Coropuna offers expansive views of the surrounding volcanic landscape and is the highest point on the mountain, providing a challenging but rewarding climax to the climb.
6,425 m

Coropuna access - getting there

How to get to Coropuna

It's a 5-6 hour drive from Arequipa, the main staging point for climbing Coropuna.
What you can see from the summit of Coropuna

Coropuna Links

useful websites, Groups and communities

Groups / links with more info on the Coropuna route.