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Lorenzo Expeditions Reviews & Ratings

How well reviewed is Lorenzo Expeditions?
Lorenzo Expeditions has a 99% rating from 917 reviewers on independent review sites.
Guided Peaks
5 / 5917
5 / 5865
5 / 552

Summary of Lorenzo Expeditions reviews

Analyzing 908 reviews for "Lorenzo Expeditions," several recurring themes emerge from customer feedback.

Positive Feedback: Customers frequently highlight the exceptional professionalism and expertise of the guides. Many reviews commend their deep knowledge of the terrain, history, and local culture, which significantly enhances the travel experience. The logistical aspects of the trips are often praised, with clients appreciating the well-organized itineraries and the attention to detail in planning. Another common theme is the personal touch and care provided by the staff, which makes participants feel safe and valued throughout their journey.

Negative Feedback: While generally positive, some reviews mention occasional issues with communication prior to the expeditions. A few customers noted delays in response times or miscommunication regarding trip details. However, these instances appear to be sporadic rather than systemic.

Standout Aspects of Service: In terms of mountaineering relevance, the company's focus on safety and preparation is prominently highlighted. Clients appreciate the thorough briefings and the emphasis on equipping participants with the necessary skills and knowledge. The expeditions are noted for their flexibility in accommodating different skill levels, ensuring that both novice and experienced mountaineers can enjoy the experience.

Overall Sentiment: The overall sentiment regarding Lorenzo Expeditions is overwhelmingly positive, particularly in the context of mountaineering. The company's commitment to providing a safe, informative, and enjoyable experience is consistently praised. Clients often express high levels of satisfaction with the value and quality of the expeditions, recommending the service to others interested in adventure travel.

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Trips offered by Lorenzo Expeditions

Lorenzo Expeditions has 1 trip. Ranging from $679 to $679.

Salcantay image


🧗 Difficulty: Fairly hard
🏔️ Height: 6,271m
📍 Where:
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